Since the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the grave on the first day of the week almost 2000 years ago, Christians have gathered on that day, the Christian Sabbath, to worship God together. We call this corporate worship. The word corporate comes from a Latin word that means "unified in one body". On the Lord's Day, our church family gathers together as a local expression of the unified body of Christ.

We believe that everything that the church does when gathered should be regulated by scripture because this is how God has revealed Himself to us. We are a people under the Lordship of Christ and we believe Christ rules over His church through His Word. 

We hold with honor the duty of preaching God's Word to God's people. Therefore, preaching takes the central place in worship. 

Our corporate prayer meetings take place as a part of our worship service, following the preaching of the Word.   

Our worship services are every Lord's Day beginning at 10am. If you're not currently a part of a Bible-teaching, Christ-exalting church, then we would love to have you worship with us this Sunday.

fellowship meal

Between our services on the Lord's Day, we share a meal together. This is a great opportunity to get to know our church family, ask questions about the sermon, and engage in some soul-searching, God-honoring conversation.  Each family participates in a pre-planned meal and there's usually enough for visitors who want to stick around and enjoy fellowship with our church.

OTHER studies

Every Lord's Day evening at 6:00 PM, our congregation reassembles for what we like to call our "Sunday school" hour.  This service is shorter and less formal.  We are currently working our way through the "Knowing the Living God" study by Paul Washer in lecture format.

From time to time we will pick a particular book or topic to study through in addition to our Lord's Day expositions.  These are intermittent and they vary as to their schedule.

Currently, our men are studying through The Work of Christ on Saturday mornings at

6:30 AM.  Contact us for information on the location of these studies.